If you love to dance, whether for the art or for the exercise, having access to dance studio mirrors helps immensely. The ability to see your form clearly in order to make corrections or work on choreography is a must. The question is, why head to a public gym when you can do your dance practice routine at home? Especially while COVID-19 is present, staying at home is more convenient than ever. Check out how you can get dance studio mirrors for your home.
Create Your Own Dance Space
If dancing is something you do often, make practice time even easier by creating your own personal dance studio. It’s not as hard as it sounds. If you have spare space in your home, you’re already on your way to a private dance space.
Having a spare room or basement to make a dedicated studio is one way to do things. However, many people don’t have a whole room free. That’s okay too! Any part of your home with a stretch of empty wall space is enough. By simply adding mirrors and a barre, you can do your dance practice routine right from home.
Floor to Ceiling Dance Studio Mirrors
So, you’re considering creating a personal dance space at home. The question now is: where are you supposed to get floor to ceiling mirrors? Those aren’t something you can find at any old store. And you’re right! However, while most stores may not have mirrors large enough to cover a wall, Keystone does. Right here at Keystone Home Products in Toronto, you can get exactly the size of mirror you need.
With a wall of mirrors, you can finally get the full dance experience right from home. Using these large mirrors is vital for learning dance such as ballet. Ballet requires a strict adherence to certain forms in order to remain safe and avoid injuring the body. Practicing ballet without being able to see yourself can lead to incorrect form and later injury.
Buying a Barre
Of course, your dance studio isn’t complete without a barre. While there are professional barres that you can buy, you can also make do with any kind of metal railing. So long as it’s a comfortable width for you to hold on to or rest a foot on, it will do. Makeshift barres made from standard railings are a great way to create a studio space on a budget.
However, if you’re going for something more flashy, like a full basement gym or studio, you may want to opt for a more ‘real deal’ kind of barre. There are professional barre stores online and all over the world that sell dance-specific barres of high quality and with unique designs.
Buy Quality From Keystone
When you’re ready to buy dance studio mirrors for your home, call us at Keystone Home Products. We professionally install mirror walls all over Toronto and look forward to helping you with yours.